0.0001µm RO逆滲透技術

All-in-One 技術

stage integrated filter cartridge
with multi-filtration system
Removes 99.9% bacteria
去除 99.9% 細菌
去除 99.9% 病毒
Removes 99.9% bacteria
去除 99.9% 鉛等重金屬
Removes 99.9% heavy metal such as lead
去除 99.9% 揮發性有機化合物,農藥
Removes 99.9% VOCs, pesticides
去除 99.9% 雜質
Removes 99.9% sediment
去除 99.9% 殘留氯氣
Removes 99.9% chlorine
Removes odour
SYR 先進 All-in-One RO 過濾技術
SYR State-of-the-art All-in-One RO Filtration
Enjoy filtered water

認可檢測認證 信心保證
Accredited certification testing

1. 測試通過基於國際檢驗測試機構SGS實驗室條件的測試。
The test results are based on the international certification agency SGS and tested under laboratory conditions.
2. 測試參考美國國家環境保護局的Method EPA 200.8。
The test refers to EPA Method 200.8: Determination of Trace Elements in Waters and Wastes by Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry.
3. 測試參考美國公共衛生協會的測試方法APHA 4500CL-G DPD Colorimetric Method。
The test refers to APHA 4500CL-G DPD Colorimetric Method.
4. 測試參考國際公定分析化學家協會AOAC 966.23。
The test refers to AOAC 966.23 Aerobic plate count in chilled, frozen, pre-cooked, or prepared foods and nut meats.
5. 濾芯更換週期會因使用水量及水質不同而有差異。
Recommended filter cartridge replacement cycle varies according to water usage and water quality.
6. 實際出水溫度可能因環境因素而有 ±3°C的偏差。
Actual water dispense temperature may have a deviation of ±3°C due to environmental conditions.

Suitable for any occasions